Partner Spotlight: Golden Roots Kitchen

Melanie at the Spade & Plow booth at the Cabrillo Market

Melanie at the Spade & Plow booth at the Cabrillo Market

When chefs and local farms partner together, magic happens on both sides of the aisle. Chefs receive high quality produce, and farmers create valuable connections. Local farmer’s markets are an invaluable resource for chefs and restaurant owners. By serving up nutritious meals with locally sourced produce, chefs bring you delicious food while closing the gap between farm to plate. As we work to build strong relationships with local chefs, we are able to support their need for food quality and diversity. Since we appreciate working with local chefs that are making a positive impact, we want to put them in the spotlight for all to see. 

Melanie Geist. Founder, owner, and chef at Golden Roots Kitchen

Melanie Geist. Founder, owner, and chef at Golden Roots Kitchen

Meet chef, founder, and owner of Golden Roots Kitchen, Melanie Geist. Our connection to Golden Roots Kitchen started at the Cabrillo College Farmer’s Market in Aptos, California. It was our first day at this market, and the beginning of a cherished partnership with Golden Roots Kitchen. Melanie approached Spade & Plow as a wholesale customer. Today she is an important part of Spade & Plow’s wholesale program because her passion for diverse food aligns with our passion for diverse seeds.

When asked what inspired her to become a chef, Melanie responded, “I have always loved the experience of great flavors enjoyed in community with friends, new and old, but it took me some time to realize I could make a career out of it. After a short post graduate stint in an office, I realized that I needed to do something with my hands and to be closer to nature. I knew that my health and well-being would ultimately be determined by what I put in my body and I knew I had a lot of healing to do. In the process of learning how to nourish myself I realized that everyone around me needed that same support and so it all began!” 

By working with local farms like Spade & Plow, Melanie brings a lot to the table; spice and everything nice. Not only has she strived for flavor in her food, but Melanie also makes sure that each meal is nutritionally abundant to keep her customers healthy and happy. Over time, people have become more and more disconnected from where their food comes from. Most prepared foods are void of nutritional value since the produce has travelled from afar, or grown in poor conditions. Melanie explained that working with local farmers is the cornerstone of sustainable living: “It is the heart and soul of what we offer at Golden Roots.” Melanie expresses how working with local farmers and shopping at the farmers market has inspired her to align her businesses with the local community: “Farmers are intimately involved in the forever circular nature of life and the fruits of their labor sustains our lives and adds a true sense of community. We all feel lost without a sense of community. Food, real food is fragile, perishable and incredibly diverse. A diet that is varied, grown organically in harmony with its surroundings will nourish us and provide a deep sense of well being. Good food starts with good ingredients, there's just no getting around that. Without a vibrant local farm community we will never have fresh or exciting meals. In our kitchen we strive to create exceptional food and there is no way to do that without local farmers and their beautiful and delicious produce.”

Instead of creating a menu and then finding the ingredients, Melanie works with what is in season and readily available at the farmer’s market. Customers can expect a refreshing experience at Golden Roots Kitchen as the menu is developed each week with new ingredients. Melanie explains the customer experience at Golden Roots Kitchen: “Golden Roots Kitchen clients appreciate good food and they care about their health and the health of their community and the planet. Each week they choose from an ever changing menu that suits their dietary needs and taste, trusting that we are upholding our values of the best possible sourcing. They choose how many meals they want for the week and we make everything from scratch to order. This allows us to cut down on waste and constantly explore new flavors and dishes. We also partner with great local businesses like Hanloh Thai Food and Anuenue Juice Co to bring the wonderful work of  local like minded chefs to our community. After all, variety is the spice of life, and we like a lot of spice!” 


A Note From Farmer Sam: When We Focus on Community We Thrive


A Note From Farmer Sam: When Seasons Collide