

As the summer tomato season winds down, we can’t help but reflect upon all of our favorite varieties this year! So many combinations of flavors, textures, acidity, and juice. We are eager to hear of your favorites! Please share them with us, so we can plan accordingly next year (winky face emoji).

Among our absolute favorites, a show-stopping, steadfast variety with meatiness and verve, are the San Marzanos. Small and slender, they appear drab and unsuspecting, but with a long roast or a slow simmer, these tomatoes are THE saucing tomato!

This year we’ve enjoyed pairing them with the Beauty Lottringas, another Italian variety with and interesting pattern and an additional option for meatier, less-juicy tomatoes.

Is there any one way to make sauce? No, of course not. Should they involve San Marzanos and a sprinkle of heirlooms? You bet. The s-s-s-s-sauciest!


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