Pullet Presale 2024
Here at the farm, we’re letting spring cajole us into its hub-bub. It’s reassuring to see that the delicate white blossoms on the apricot trees have not been dissuaded by the windy rainstorms that have moved through lately. And when it all blows over, and the sun returns, the almost neon yellow of the wild mustard flowers seems to make the sun shine just a bit brighter out in the rows.
As the days get longer and warmer, many of us start to plan for outdoor activities, and getting into the garden. If you have chickens, or are thinking of starting a flock, this is a great time of year to get started.
While it can be very rewarding to start chicks in spring, it is also a great time to have birds that are coop ready and just a couple of months away from being ready to lay lots of beautiful eggs through the long days of late spring and summer. Enter: the pullets! Not a chick, but not an old bird, either. Think of them as adolescent, fertile hens, healthy and productive.
So with that in mind, we thought we would help you get a jumpstart on the season by growing out some chicks through this last winter. These babes have been raised exclusively on our organic feed and farm scraps. And for the last few weeks they’ve been fully feathered and big enough to enjoy being outdoors during the day, in the chicken run attached to our brooder.
Now they are beautiful young birds, and ready to go home with you!
The Lineup:
For those interested in growing your flock, an information sheet will be e-mailed to you shortly after purchase.
We also have some feed and other basic supplies available for pre-sale, so please check the link for a full lineup of what’s on-offer.
Happy Spring!
-Daniella, Chicken Manager