Get to Know the S&P Chickens

It’s no secret, the news is out! Spade & Plow Organics isn’t just growing veg and flowers these days- we’re also raising hundreds of feathery, free range, fabulous chickens! These ladies are truly more than they’re clucked up to be so it’s only fair that we introduce them to ya. 

Why have ‘em?

While it’s been a long time dream since the inception of the farm, having chickens while farming sustainably is a win-win situation. The hens are excellent composters, speeding up the process from blemished foods to nitrogen rich manure. With an ‘in one end and out the other’ mentality, the chickens are happy and make the soil even happier! They close the loop on any sort of permaculture application and warmly (well, loudly) welcome all our unsellable produce. Since they’re always eating organic and have plenty of space to roam, they’re able to consistently produce higher quality, nutrient dense eggs year after year. Scrap recipients+egg producers+compost extraordinaires… These hens really earn their keep. 

Who’s makin’ up our flock? 

Currently we have 3 varieties of birds: Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, and Black Sexlink. All of these are either American Heritage Breeds or hybrids of American Heritage Breeds. What’s that, you ask? AHB birds are established heirloom breeds of our country. They are recognized and preserved because of their history here. We chose to start our flock with these birds, not only because they fit our local mission, but also because they’re a great production breed, able to produce up to 280 eggs/year! Now that’s a lot of layin’. 

Currently we’re raising 425 chickens and plan to double that by early next year to fulfill our growing CSA, farmers market and wholesale demand. “There’s something nostalgic and close to the earth about raising tried and true American breeds. There’s no hip speckles or blue and green colors, just a good egg that’s been in our country for a long time,” says Daniella, our chicken manager. 

Why our ladies are better. 

Happy lunch with old stone fruit!

The new ‘egg station,’ providing cozy & private places to lay.

Better than any standard supermarket egg, that is. The S&P flock is living its best life, eating all organic produce and fermented grains, while roaming a large space that allows them to ‘dirt bathe’ and lay in safe places all day. So it’s no surprise that our healthy chicken eggs taste better, have higher nutrition, and a more positive environmental impact than regular eggs. 

According to a Mother Earth News Study, true free range eggs have less cholesterol, less saturated fat, and more vitamins A, E and omega-3 fatty acids than commercial eggs. An egg is the compilation of a chicken’s best nutrition. So if they’re eating and living well, the egg will reflect that! 

Let’s give it up for the fearless S&P farm hens and all their hard work laying. Get ready for an egg influx soon, folks!


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